Deck Drain 45 degree inside corner

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Deck Drain 45 degree inside corner

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Item #:  22-080     Price:  $162.75 
Ship Qty:  1 EACH   Catalog Page:  79 
Ship Weight:  2 lbs.   PC #
22-080 - Deck Drain 45 degree inside corner
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Representation of product. Size may vary. Sold separately.

LAWSON DRAIN-THE-DECK SYSTEM — A system of PVC components: deck drain, base and sleeves which are designed to offer a generous 25% open space for water flow for the quickest, most efficient handling of excess water flow from rain or deck cleaning. All grates are completely modular and interlocking, making them extremely simple to install or replace, yet strong enough for pedestrians and light vehicle traffic. Drain-the-Deck™ complies with federal ADA regulations. It's the ONLY drain system that can truly radius to any pool or fountain design without cutting or mitering. ASTM Tested for loads and friction. Deck Drain package available in 10 foot lengths and priced per foot. Standard Colors: white, bone, or gray. Radius Deck Drains also available, inquire. 10 Year Warranty.

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